Anna Bosma Benefit

City Prints is proud to support the benefit for Anna Bosma in Harbor Springs, Michigan.

Excerpt from the Harbor Light Newspaper:

“The day 10-year old Harbor Springs fourth grader Anna Bosma showed her parents a bump on the palm of her hand, was the day Heidi Bosma’s motherly instinct told her life would never quite be the same. A routine allergy appointment was the beginning of a whirlwind of doctor visits, referrals and tests that eventually lead to Anna being diagnosed with a rare cancer, a stage 2 epithelioid sarcoma — a tumor that affects hands, forearms and extremities. On April 24, after finding their way to University of Michigan Hospital, the 10-year old’s prognosis lead to a partial amputation of her right hand.”

Proceeds from the auction of several donated City Prints will go toward the costs of the surgery and treatment.